Lombok beach with kids
Destinations,  Education,  Planning,  Worldschool Coach

How to choose an epic worldschooling destination

Choosing to travel can be tricky, with so many amazing places to go, how do you decide?

Ta Daaa! Use this guide to help you choose your worldschooling destination.

One of the best things about worldschooling is being able to educate your kids anywhere and everywhere, with the world around being the ultimate classroom for learning. But sometimes you may need more to help you choose which country to travel and worldschool.

Choosing the Perfect Worldschooling Destination: Where to Begin

When it comes to world schooling, the journey starts with you and your family. Your unique priorities, values, and goals are the priority in finding the right places for your family. Everyone has a totally different idea of what this will look like but you need to consider what matters most to your family.

Are you seeking cultural immersion, natural wonders, or a blend of both? Is safety a top concern, or are you in pursuit of specific academic opportunities?

For our family, we know that we can tolerate cities for two to three days max! We also need nature, and ideally that is green, we struggle with brown and dusty! It took us a while to get comfortable with what WE needed to do and not just do the expected. Turns out we don’t enjoy seeing the ‘must-sees’ and that is ok!

Worldschooling family travel
Worldschooling adventures in Egypt

Focus on your family’s favourite activities

Think about how you like spending time as a family. Do you prefer being outdoors? Camping, biking, or trekking can drive an itinerary. Are you drawn to water? Maybe you are more of a big-city crew, with a love of museums and restaurants. Again, we thought we were beach people but after a two-week trip in the Dolomites, it turns out we might be mountain people too.

Visit your wish-list destinations

We all have this list. What have you always wanted to see and experience? Are there places that are just calling your name? Spin the globe. Choosing your worldschooling destinations is a great time to involve the whole family. Being curious about a place will make your kids all the more engaged once you’re there. However, be realistic. Our kids chose Bora Bora, and I can tell you one thing…our budget does not stretch to Bora Bora!

Seasons, Cultural Events, and Festivals

Timing is everything with travel. We talk about travel outside of peak season to maximise the budget but there are other things to consider. Some destinations are fantastic all year round, but others have specific times that are nothing short of spectacular – whether it’s for great weather, extraordinary events, or vibrant cultural festivals.

If you are heading to Sri Lanka (which you totally should) you don’t want to miss the mesmerizing Esala Perahera festival, where majestic processions light up the night.

Or celebrating Holi, the colourful and joyous festival of India – your kids definitely won’t want to miss this one (or the chance to throw vibrant powders at you!).

And when you’re in Bali during Nyepi, the Day of Silence, the entire island goes quiet and peaceful. It’s the perfect time for some family reflection – or maybe just some enforced quiet time from the kids.

You can’t help but feel like you’re a part of something truly special during these unique cultural celebrations.

Think about planning your travels around major festivals and local events that make your destination come alive. Joining in these celebrations means you’ll experience the culture in a deep and meaningful way, and it’s also a fantastic opportunity to connect with other families on the road.

By weaving these tips into your worldschooling journey, it becomes more than just seeing new places; it’s about experiencing them to the fullest, and creating memories.

Travel to find community

We have talked about worldschool hubs before and they can be a fantastic experience. For us, the experiences we had gave an opportunity to explore something in more detail or provided access to something we didn’t have in our resources. In Egypt, the Luxor learning hub allowed the girls to prepare land, learn to grow vegetables and then work on entrepreneurial skills. In Thailand, the girls became Ocean guardians, doing coral propagation and become shark fanatics.

Hiking with kids in Borneo
Borneo is an amazing place for a worldschool adventure

Choose a destination based on budget

When selecting a worldschooling destination, the budget is often a top consideration. It’s an opportunity to teach your children about responsible financial planning while exploring affordable yet captivating places.

Look for destinations where your currency goes further (ahem, not Bora Bora girls!), with reasonable accommodation, food, and activities. Opt for countries with a lower cost of living, and remember that local street food and markets can be both delicious and economical.

South East Asia is amazing for this and stretches your budget much further. Arriving in a destination with all activities costing a lot is frustrating and can limit your options. Take advantage of free opportunities, free entry and volunteer projects in the more expensive destinations. Consider a work exchange program too.

Why worldschooling works when travelling

Flexibility in Education: Tailoring Worldschooling to Your Journey

Worldschooling is all about flexibility. It’s a unique form of education that adapts to your family’s journey. Unlike traditional schooling, worldschooling lets you shape the learning experience according to your travels. Whether you’re exploring the Amazon rainforest, wandering through European cities, or soaking up the sun on a tropical island, the beauty of worldschooling is it can be tailored to fit your location, schedule, and interests. It’s a flexible approach to education that lets you make the most of every moment spent traveling with your family.

the worldschool coach for family travel

The Worldschool Coach; Our mission is to empower families like yours to confidently embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and learning that unfolds across the globe. 

Join an experienced teacher and worldschool parent to unlock your confidence, gain clarity, unpack resources and strategies to tailor your bespoke educational plan.

The Impact of Destination on Learning

Each destination becomes a classroom where your children soak up local customs and history. They don’t just read about it; they live it. This hands-on learning fosters an appreciation for different cultures and helps them see the world through a broader lens. It’s an education that goes beyond books and nurtures skills beyond the academics. We are helping our kids become good people…that’s a good thing right?

Make the most of the resources around you

We travel light which means, limited resources. We will always have art supplies with us but other than that, we make the most of what we have around us. Worldschooling is an invitation to embrace the world as your classroom, and the resources available are boundless. Whether you’re exploring ancient ruins, wandering through vibrant markets, or marveling at natural wonders, every place offers its unique lessons. Connect with locals, visit museums, and engage in the culture surrounding you.

Worldschooling in Vietnam
Worldschooling in Vietnam, staying in Hoi An for a month.

Worldschooling is about seizing the opportunities that the world presents

5 easy ways Incorporate Learning Opportunities into Your Daily Activities


Visit museums showcasing local history or art exhibits specifically geared towards kids – these interactive experiences will keep young minds engaged while also teaching valuable lessons about various aspects relevant within each country visited. The UK amazing for the free entry to its museums and our kids absolutely loved the National Museum in Edinburgh.

Cooking Classes

Enroll in cooking classes where families can learn how traditional dishes are prepared using ingredients sourced directly around them – this hands-on approach not only teaches culinary skills but also fosters appreciation towards different cultures’ cuisines. For us, honestly, they just want to eat it, especially if it takes longer than 15 minutes!

Language Lessons

 Consider taking language lessons as a family, either through formal classes or informal exchanges with locals. We are rubbish at this, I’m going to make a massive generalization here but I think the majority of people from the UK don’t learn a new language because English is so universal. They even removed it from the school curriculum and it’s now optional.

Nature Excursions

 Participate in guided nature walks or hikes. We love a good ramble ourselves but sometimes a local guide really enhances the walk. Our guide in Lombok took us to the most amazing waterfalls and helped us to find the elusive black monkey!


Go to a beach clean up to learn about the local recycling options and the impact on nature. Or work exchange on a farm for some hands-on grafting.

Wherever you choose to worldschool, focus on making the decisions for your family. There are opportunities and adventure where ever you choose to go.

Boat trip on the River Nile With Kids


The Worldschool Coach

Meet the author

Jak is co founder of Boston Tribe Travels. He has lived and travelled abroad for over 15 years with his family. He has taught in International schools around the world as a primary teacher and leader. He now travels full time with his family, worldschooling and coaching other families to follow their worldschool dream.


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