sun beds on the beach in Vietnam
Planning,  Budget,  Education,  Travel Tips

Unlocking Travel Secrets: Quick Fire Travel Questions Answered

We’ve had loads of travel questions on Instagram, Facebook, and from fellow wanderers we’ve met along our travels. So, we decided to do something super awesome for you – we’ve gathered the top 20 most burning questions and packed them all into this blog post!

Now, we have be honest, some of these questions are so epic that they deserve their very own post. So we have kept our answers short and sweet, but, we’ve also included handy links to full posts that dive deeper into those topics. And hey, keep an eye out, because we’ll be adding even more juicy links soon. So get ready for a quick fire Q&A session that’ll get you started on your next adventure.

Table of Contents

Lets play 20 questions – Family Travel Edition!

Hers are our most frequently asked travel questions and answers to help you along your next journey.

Family travel questions

Q: How can I plan for long-term family travel?

A: Planning for long-term family travel requires a lot of careful consideration and preparation. I would recommend at least 6 months advance. You can get all our planning tips here.

But here’s a quick overview, start by creating your budget, researching destinations with affordable living costs, and considering accommodation options such as house-sitting, home exchanges, or long-term rentals. Make sure to plan for education options for your children, such as worldschooling or enrolling them in local schools. Additionally, ensure you have necessary visas or permits, organize necessary documents, and arrange for travel insurance that covers an extended period. 

Q: What are some factors to consider when deciding on long-term family travel destinations?

A: When deciding on long-term family travel destinations, consider your priorities. What is it you want from a destination or from they time that you have. Are you looking for off the beaten track adventure? Poolside R and R? or a culture fest? Are you travelling with sociable teens or playful toddlers? It is important to align YOUR priorities rather than plan a trip based on instagram worthy destinations.

Our priority ‘pillars’ include budget, access to a community or worldschool hubs, outdoor activities and educational experiences for children. So do your research on family-friendly destinations that suit YOU and reach out to travel families on Instagram or social media who are out there doing what you want to do. They will have the most up to date information and tips that align with you.

Q: How can I handle finances and banking during long-term family travel?

A: Handling finances and banking during long-term family travel requires careful planning. Consider opening a bank account with low or no international transaction fees, such as Starling or Chase. Notify your bank about your travel plans, and set up online banking for easy access to funds. It’s also wise to have a backup plan, such as keeping emergency funds and informing family members or trusted individuals about your financial arrangements. We travel on a budget even with two kids and have plenty of budget tips on our planning page.

Q: How can I ensure my children receive a quality education during long-term family travel?

A: Ensuring a quality education during long-term family travel involves various options. Research homeschooling curricula and resources, consider online learning platforms such as Outschool and BrainPop or distance education programs. 

Even better – take the Worldschool Coach Course HERE

the worldschool coach for family travel

But I would say; don’t try and do too much, quality experiences are way more valuable than worksheets and online modules.  If you are staying in one place for an extended period we would highly recommend finding world school hubs to join. Embrace a Worldschooling Mindset and engage with educational resources, museums, and cultural activities in your destinations to enhance your children’s learning experiences. 

Q: What are some tips for maintaining a sense of routine and stability during long-term family travel?

A: We struggled with this one on our travels so far. We try to maintain a sense of routine and stability during long-term family travel, establish daily rituals or traditions that provide a sense of familiarity,  but to be honest this is not our strong point. In theory we would create a consistent sleep schedule, designate study or work hours, and prioritise family time with and without the kids. I will update you one day, when we have figured this one out 🤣

Q: How can I balance work or remote job responsibilities with long-term family travel?

A: Balancing work or remote job responsibilities with long-term family travel is a big challenge for us. It is hard to drag your self away from the adventures to sit and work. Tag parenting to carve out time ion the day, establish a dedicated workspace, set clear boundaries between work and leisure time, and utilise productivity tools or apps to stay organised. Communicate with your employer, clients and family to decide the most productive times for you. 

Q: What are some resources or communities that support long-term family travellers?

A: Worldschool hubs have been great for connecting with other travel families, the kids get a break from you and you gt to socialise with other adults too. Which, trust me, is important the longer you travel. We have attended learning hubs in Luxor Egypt, Krabi Thailand and The Woodschool in Bali and are planning more as we continue to travel. 

Online platforms and blogs also provide valuable insights and experiences of other traveling families. Joining family travel groups on social media platforms allows you to connect with like-minded individuals and seek advice or recommendations. 

Q: What are some essential items to pack for family travel?

A: We have an essential items list that we start with when packing for family travel include clothing suitable for various weather conditions, toiletries, medications, travel documents, electronics and chargers, snacks, entertainment items for children, reusable water bottles, a first-aid kit and the most essential – An Aeropress for good coffee on the go. See our Essentials packing list below and our FAMILY TRAVEL GEAR link for the full run down.

travel packing essentials with kids

Q: What are some space-saving packing tips for family travel?

A: We are big fans of the compression packing cubes to  save space when packing for family travel. Also roll clothes instead of folding them, pack versatile clothing items that can be mixed and matched, pack less and do laundry during your trip. Additionally, minimise the number of bulky items and utilise empty spaces within your luggage, such as stuffing shoes with socks or small items.

Q: How can I pack efficiently for each family member?

A: Create a packing checklist for everyone and involve them in the process. Encourage each family member to take some responsibility (no matter how old) and pack their essentials. We have a packing cube each so it is easy to pull out each members stuff and separate cube for toiletries, gadgets etc.   This helps maintain organisation and ensures that everyone has what they need at hand.

Q: What are your top 5 must have gear for family travel?

A: Must-have travel gear for family travel includes a passport and some money the rest is all a bonus! But if you really want to drill down check out our travel gear page. 

TOP 5? Hmm… packing cubes, comfortable backpack, insulated water bottle, Aeropress Go and masking tape. 

How about the kids? Here are there top travel accessorise.

Q: How can I choose the right luggage for family travel?

A: When choosing luggage for family travel, consider factors such as size, durability, weight, organisation features, and ease of manoeuvrability. I would recommend luggage with multiple compartments to keep items separate and organised. Personally, I would go with a quality backpack every time and keep size and weight down to carry on size. I like lightweight and sturdy backpack such as our Osprey Farpoint 40l  to carry comfortably and keep my hands free, especially If traveling with the kids.

Q: Are there any recommended travel gear for keeping kids entertained during the journey?

A: We have two clear winners here. A Kids Kindle loaded with lots of books and graphic novels and an MP3 player packed full of audiobooks (Harry Potter and Roald Dahl)  and music with a good pair of noise cancelling headphones. Our girls also love a sketchbook, making friendship bracelets and of course getting a blast on their favourite iPad app.

Q: Who do you book your flights with?

A: Our go to for booking flights has always been Skyscanner and Kiwi. We haven’t found another online services that have competed with the search tools and price for these two. We have shared our top tips for Kiwi and Skyscanner here so make sure you check these out BEFORE you book that next flight.


Q: How can I practice sustainable travel as a family?

A: We are all trying to raise our future ‘Eco Warriors’ so it is important to model sustainability when possible. Simple steps such as  reduce waste by carrying reusable water bottles, shopping bags, and food containers, use public transportation or walk whenever possible, support local and sustainable businesses, respect wildlife and natural habitats, and educate your children about the importance of sustainability and responsible travel through any learning opportunities whenever possible.

Q: Are there any eco-friendly travel products that can help promote sustainability while traveling?

A: Yes, we have a few that we like and love to hear about alternatives as we travel. Look for reusable silicone or stainless steel straws (plastic straws are still everywhere 😢, eco-friendly toiletries such as solid shampoo bars and refillable toiletry bottles, bamboo or reusable cutlery sets, solar-powered chargers, and eco washing detergent sheets that are super convenient to pack too.

Q: Are there any sustainable activities or experiences for families while traveling?

A: Yes, there are several sustainable activities or experiences for families while traveling. Many of the world school hubs we have joined are great for promoting awareness to sustainability.  Our kids really enjoyed contributing to  local community projects and volunteering opportunities.They have also learned a lot from visits eco-conscious attractions or nature reserves that support conservation efforts. 

Food is also a great starting place to think about food miles, local produce, sustainable farming and the environment. We have enjoyed several cooking classes that help us connect with local culture and food. 

Q: How can I make visiting different destinations with kids a smooth (not stressful) and enjoyable experience?

A: Planning, flexibility, creativity and slowing down really work for us. Also food, its all about those snacks. Research family-friendly activities and attractions in each destination, create a flexible itinerary that allows for rest and downtime, pack essentials for kids such as snacks, entertainment, and comfort items.

We have also found it is super important to involve children in the decision-making process, maintain open communication with your kids  throughout the journey and let them take the lead sometimes.

Q: How can I manage jet lag and help my kids adjust to different time zones?

A: Ooh always a tricky one. No set formula for this one as it really depends on the time of flights. Managing jet lag and helping kids adjust to different time zones involves encouraging them to stay hydrated during the flight, exposing them to natural light during the day, and establishing a consistent sleep routine in the new time zone. Be patient and allow for some downtime upon arrival to help everyone adjust. 

Q: How can I balance educational experiences with fun activities, for them us us,  when visiting different destinations with kids?

A: Look for hands-on learning experiences, engage with local culture through food, music, or art, and incorporate fun activities like outdoor adventures or visits to amusement parks to create a well-rounded and enjoyable travel experience. Plan some me time too, tag parent to do some of the things you want to do and have some days when it is not all about the kids. What!! I know, but they do need to learn that everyone has needs and the world doesn’t always revolve around them.

the worldschool coach for family travel

The Worldschool Coach; Our mission is to empower families like yours to confidently embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and learning that unfolds across the globe. 

Join an experienced teacher and worldschool parent to unlock your confidence, gain clarity, unpack resources and strategies to tailor your bespoke educational plan.

ok…just a couple more travel questions!

your family travel questions

Q: Are there any specific cultural considerations to keep in mind when visiting different destinations with kids?

A: It is best to discuss any considerations with the kids before, during and after you travel Travel is an awesome teacher for open-mindedness and respect. Research local customs, traditions, and etiquette, and teach your children about respectful behaviour in different cultures. Discuss cultural differences and similarities, and lead by example in showing respect for local customs and traditions.

Q: Where are your favourite destinations to take the kids so far?

Ooh another tricky one but we do have a few favourites so far. Here are some of the places we have loved. 

Egypt – a great adventure with so much history and a fab learning hub in Luxor

Sri Lanka – So friendly, beautiful beaches, affordable safaris and King coconuts!

Italy – We loved northern Italy and the Dolomites. We hired a camper van from Milan to Venice and had a lot of fun (and pizza) on the journey. 


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